Parsley & Beetroots ~ Phenomenal ingredients!

Berakhah Wear is preparing to release new products in its QUEEN ESTHER Skincare line made of parsley and made of beetroots and its St JOPHIEL Hair care line ...

PARSLEY has myricetin that is anti-diabetic and prevents skin cancer: quite amazing! It also has apigenin  that is becoming more and more recognized as a non - toxic anti-carcinogenic treatment according to Medical News Today. In addition, it is known to impact bone health, kidney health and heart health, since it contains Vitamine K. Parsley also has vitamine A (immune system booster & eye health), vitamin C (powerful anti-oxidant & heart health), iron, magnesium, potassium, folate.

BEETROOT (Beta Vulgaris) contains "pigments called betalains", according to healthline, that have anti-inflamatory properties. It monitors your blood pressure, improves your digestive health, your brain function (thus reducing with the nitrates it contains neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia, alzheimer, etc). It improves your athletic performance. It is anti-carcinogenic (e.g colon cancer, reduction of cancer cells) and is full of nutrients and minerals such as Manganese, Copper, Potassium, magnesium, Fiber, Vitamin B6,proteins, carbs, etc...)  and contains compounds such as (ferulic acid, rutin, kaempferol, caffeic acid). Our Research and Development team at KALEKOGATHIA SHOP that focuses on growing our brands has also noticed surprising in its experiments that Beetroots when  combined with certain ingredients of nature reduces hair loss.

For more on Parsley:

For more on Beetroots:
