Pine Tree Wonders & much more... ~ Ep#1

Before we start, permit us to wish all African customers, and all of you out there, a magnificent Black FRIDAY, a Magnificent American Thanksgiving to our American teams that handles our our affairs in the United States of America, and a Magnificent Advent Season as we prepare for CHristmas...
Over the past few years, you have seen us release our researches with the pine trees, and have been discovering with us the health benefits of the Pine Trees especially the needles on the head... Pine needles are used in various ways ranging from teas to baskets, etc..
1. St Jophiel Archangel Pinaceae Hair Oil ~ the first to be unveiled was for one who desires a healthy scalp. One may refer to it as the Anti - Inflamatory Hair Oil & the focus is to grant you a healthy scalp, a very important element we've realized in being healthy mentally...  Even if that's not your goal, healthy scalp = healthy hair!

2. St Jophiel Archangel Triple Effects  Pinaceae Hair Oil ~was the 2nd oil released at the 2022 Calgary Justice Film Festival. It is spicy, and is made of rich mixture of ingredients from the plantae empire... That together are called to give you a 
i) healthy scalp  by not just cleansing it, but to deeper lever by detoxing it, 
ii) voluminous hair should it be your desire to fill every inch of  your head
iii) long hair should it be your desire to grow your hair

3. St Jophiel Archangel Pregnant Mother & Babies Pinaceae Hair Oil ~ is the 3rd oil to be released... Still being tested... Although the pine needles as a tea is not recommended for pregnant women... Princess Fanny Magnificat V is  collaborating with the pine trees what in nature they are to collaborate with in order to also bless pregnant mothers  especially those whose mental health is affected during their pregnancies or after  with all sorts of sophisticated names... Stay tuned... 

Because of how long for them to sell, Princess Fanny Magnificat V has decided that for now we will only make thirteen (13) bottles of every oil every three (3) years, although these hair oils are made in a way where you can keep them very well... 
In 2025, the next batch of  Pinaceae Hair Oils will be released with at least three (3) more hair oils & pine alcohol; 
  • St Jophiel Archangel Perfectly Virtuous' Hair Oil
  • St Jophiel Archangel Powerful Hair Oil
  • St Jophiel Archangel Root of Immortality Hair Oil
  • St Jophiel Archangel Pinaceae Alcohol
  • St Jophiel Archangel Gingeric Hair Mask
along with the following skincare..
  • Queen Esther Parsley Body Oil
  • Queen Esther Gingeric Vagina Spray
  • Queen Esther Gingeric Pussy (Vagina ) Oil

 We thank those of you who have supported & who are encouraging our haircare line with your testimonies. Although you desire for to make oils of the body with the pine tree, have been inspired to use our hair oils for certain ailments of your bodies testing & trying them, we've chosen to focus on haircare... There are many other companies out there who make pine needles products for the body ; you can find them on digital markets such as Etsy, etc...
Some elements found in these oils, we will explore over the days to come...
  • Brazilian Sea Salt
  • Celtic Sea Salt
  • Himalayan Sea Salt
  • Wieliczka  Salt (1000 years old underground salt)
  • Olive Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Walnut Oil
  • Pine Trees Needles (different varieties)
  • Black Pepper
  • Onions
  • TUrmeric
  • Coconut SUgar
  • Dried Rosemary
  • Lilac flowers
  • Ginger
  • Thuya (also known as... Common Juniper)
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